Bannu Medical College KP Jobs 2017 Available for 34+ Teaching Staff Vacancies
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Applications are invited for the posts of Assistant Professor (BS-18), under Medical Teaching
Institution (MTI) Act 2015, at MTls Bannu. The candidates must have domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/adjacent
Tribal Areas (FATA) with the following conditions.
Name of Post with BPS ”of Eligibility and criteria
1. Assistant Professor (s) (BPS-18) 1. Age: 27-45 years
2. Sex: Male/Female
l‘ Anatomy 02 3. MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
ll- Biochemistry 02 fully recognized / registered by the PMDC.
iii. Pathology 4. PMDC recognized level-llb or level Ill
a. Microbiology 01 qualification in respective basic subjects OR
b. Histopathology 01 equivalent PMDC level llb OR level Ill
c. Hematology 01 qualifications in the respective specialty
iv. Community Medicine 01 approved for teaching by SRC and recognized
v. Pharmacology 01 / ‘eS‘S‘e'ed by PMDC
vi. Forensic Medicine 01 S. Two years teaching experience as
Demonstrator/ Lecturer before or after level-
ll b qualification and one year teaching
experience as Demonstrator/ Lecturer
before or after level-Ill qualification
Assistant Professor (s) (BPS-18) 1. Age: 2845 years
y 2. Sex: Male/Female
i' Pediatrics 01 3. M885 or equivalent medical qualification
ii. ENT 01 recognized / registered by PMDC
4. PMDC level-ill qualification in respective
iii. Medicine 01 specialty like FCPS/ MS/ MD on
j Other equivalent level III qualification in the
w' Gynae;/Obst; 02 specialty approved by SRC and recognized/
v' Surgery 03 registered by PMDC
First preference Two years teaching experience
before or after level-Ill qualification as
Registrar/Senior Registrar in relevant subject.
Second preference one year teaching experience
as Registrar / Senior Registrar in relevant subject
before or after level-Ill qualification
Assistant Professor (s) (BPS-18) 1. Age: 28-45 years
l. Anesthesia 2. Sex: Male/Female
02 3. MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
n, psychiatry 01 recognized / registered by PMDC
4. First preference: PM&DC level-Ill
iii. Dermatology 01 qualification in respective subject like FCPS/
iv. Cardiology 02 MS/ MD OR
Other equivalent level-Ill qualification in the
V' NCU'O'OBY 01 specialty approved by SRC and recognized
j registered by the PM&DC
vu. Pediatric Surgery 01 Second preference: if first preference is not
vii. Radiology 02 available. Level-Ill qualification in the general
medicine/general surgery and.for Clinical
W'" Neuro Surgery 01 Hematology level-Ill qualification in General/
ix. Cardiac Surgery 01 Laboratory Hematology with three years
practical or teaching experience in relevant
x. Gasterontlogy 01 specialty.
xi. Urology 01 5. First preference: Two years teaching
experience as Registrar / Senior Registrar in
xii. Nephrology 01 relevant subject from recognized institute in
xiii. Plastic Surgery relevant specialty before or after level lll
qualification. Second preference: (if first
preference is not available) one year
teaching experience as Registrar / Senior
Registrar before or after Level lll qualification
in relevant subject or Level-Ill qualification in
General Medicine / General Surgery and for
Clinical Hematology Level Ill qualification in
General/ Laboratory Hematology with three
years practical /teaching experience and one
year additional experience as Senior
Registrar in sub specialty.
1. Application on prescribed form duly filled in all respect along-with bio-data and academic record must
reach the office of the Dean, BMC MTls Bannu within 15 days of the publication of this advertisement.
2. Application form can be downloaded from the Hospital website www.bmc.egg.gk
3. The services will be governed under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical & Teaching Institution Reform
(MTI) Act, 2015.
4. Pay protection & other benefits will be given in case of candidates already in Regular Government Service.
5. In Service candidate will apply through proper channel.
6. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview.
7. Candidates will be shortlisted in view of their academic record.
8. If the closing date fixed for the receipt of application form falls on an official holiday, the next working day
shall be considered as the closing date.
9. An application received after the closing time & date shall stand rejected.
10. The Scrutiny Committee, MTls, Bannu shall be competent to reject applications which are incomplete.
However the aggrieved candidates can appeal to the competent authority of MTIs, Bannu for review. The
decision of the competent authority thereof shall be final.
11. Any candidate may be disqualified and/or excluded from interview if he/she was: (a) Convicted by the
Court of law. (b) Previous history of dismissal from public service. (c) Knowingly furnishes any false
information (d) suppresses any information which may lead to his/her disqualification. (e) Attempts to
obtain support for his/her candidature by improper means.
(f) Submits forged certificates. (g) Tempers with the entries in his/her age and academic certificates. (h)
Misbehaves during the interview.
12. Original documents shall be produced at the time of interview.
13. No TA/DA is allowed for candidates appearing in the interview.
“sin“ \() ll) * InfoKPGovt * @mfoKPGovt fifl®fiffl
R“ P' '”\ *Send KP to 8333 INF(P)1878 .,..,_.,,....,.._¢;3.
Bannu Medical College KP Jobs 2017 Available for 34+ Teaching Staff Vacancies
Reviewed by Admin
April 29, 2017

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