ETEA KPK Kohat Hangu Karak etc Jobs
Online applications are invited from qualified and highly motivated candidates (both male and (malt) for film; the following positions on contract basis initially for a period of one year (expendable) in a Public Sector C minim. Terms and conditions apply.Number of Post
i. Coordinater
ii. Secretary
iii.System Analyst
iv.Programeriii.System Analyst
v. PersonalAsastants
Vi. Cashier
vii. Naib' Qasid
viii. Driver
ix. Mali
MA/ MSc. (Candidates with higherqualifications will be preferred)
MPA/MBA/M.Com at least 60?) marks
or equivalent Computer literate
At least 2" Class Master Degree in
Computer Science/fr. Having sufficient
knowl-o e ofcom . ter hardware
At least 2" ClassMaster/BS Degree in
Computer Science or Information
FAIRS. D.Com, Computer literate Typing 35 WPM
P.A./l'. Sc./D.Com
Literate preferably Matriculate.
Literate, prefembly SSC. Holder of a
valid Driving License for Car and UN
Literate preferably middle pm
Five years field experience inmonitoring and evaluation, omducting
census and enumeration etc
Experienoeofatleast lOyearsin
Financial as well as
Administrative/ Academic matters in a
reputed organization.
Experience ot'at least 4 years Having
sufficient knowledge of computer.
At least 4 years having sufficient
knowledge of computer languages such
as Visual Basic, Visual for. Pro, Oracle
and Networking
Experience of at least 4 years. Having
sufficient knowledge of computer and
other office equipment i.e. photocopier,
faxmachinesand 3 ‘ l‘llC ' “y . ; etc
Experience of at least 4 years in
Accounts and cash hanv
Atleast I yearexpenen’ oeingardemng’
Term & Conditions:.
1. Candidates who fulfill the above mentioned criteria may forward their application with attested copies of allrelevant doamenls.
2. meandiduteshallwriteinboldtclearwordsIhepaslbeingappliedforontoprightmerofmemvelop.
3. Candidatesintendingtoepplyformorethmonepostshallepplytdepositfoesepentelyforeachpost.
4. Candidates must be bun: Iidereeident of Khyber Pnkhhmkhwa.
5. Rehnfioninageisadmissibleaspermles.
6. Official/Semi Official/aw bodies/Cormfion employee should send their Applications
through properchmnd.
7. wmmmum
8. Relemlexpaiencewillbegivendnewe’ghhse.
9. Onlyshonlinedandidneswillbealledfarthemmview.NoTA/DAvn’llbeedmim'hlefor
10. mosewhohaveah'eadyeppliodneednonoapplytsnin.
ll. Numberofpostsanbeinausedordecnmd.
I2. 111: Coordinator will work in their respective distu'cts/clusher of districts and will be paid monthly
honorarium of MSODOO/ 4111 inclusive)
I3. Detail of Cor-dint of follows:
How to Apply:.
1. Candidates (except for the posts mentioned at S. Nos ni, viii 8: ix) fulfilling the/above criteria/ terms 8:conditions can apply online on W After submisa'on of online Application form
candidates should take a printout of the Form having computer token number and should deposit Rs.
500/- on prescribed online deposit slip annexed with the Application form in any branch of Hill. The
printed application form (having computer token number) along with original HBL online Deposit slip(ETEA copy), attested copies of CNIC, Domicile, all educational/ experience documents should be submitted to ETTA office (22, Street-6, 5-8, Phase-VII, Hayatabad Peshawar. Phone: (091) 9217846.
2. Availability of online A calcification form on .e - . 0. u. 01, from 1‘ April, 2017.s.
4. Roll No. slips to be download/ Printed from.
5. Test date, Time and venue will be mentioned in the Roll No. slip.
NOTE: Please keep your documents and a passport size scanned picture (soft copy) with you for filling online
Application Form. Read the Instructions thoroughly before filling the online Application Form.
2 Applications on plain paper for the posts at S. No. vii,viii 8: ix should be sent to:
Chairman, Higher Education Regulatory Authority, House # 47-A, Defence Officers Colony, Khyber
Road, Peshawar Cantt. Phone No. 091-5254680
ETEA KPK Kohat Hangu Karak etc Jobs
Reviewed by Admin
April 07, 2017
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