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Food Directorate KPK Peshawar Jobs for Junior Clerk Foodgrain Cane Inspector Latest Advertisement

Food Directorate KPK Peshawar Jobs for Junior Clerk Foodgrain Cane Inspector Latest Advertisement

Applications are invited from suitable candidates holding Pakistani Citizenship and having domicile of the relevant Zones for the vacant posts of Junior Clerks (BS-l 1), Foodgrain Supervisors (BPS-07) and Cane Inspector (BS-O7) in Food Directorate Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as per detail given below:-
No. & scale in each zone limit.
JuniorClerk Zone-l 04 Matriculation or equivalent 18-30
(88-1 1) Zone-III 04 qualification from a recognized
Zone-TV 03 Board with typing speed of 30 words
Zone-V O3 . r minute.
2 Foodgrain 05 Zone-1 01 Matriculation or equivalent 18-30
l I I
BS-07 Zone-V 02 Board
3 Cane Inspector 05 Zone-1 01 Intermediate from recognized 18-30
(BS-O7) Zone- H 01 Board
Zone-Ill 01
Zone-IV 01
Zone-V Ol
Last Date 10 November 2017
1.Application forms and other details are available at NTS Website,, which must be read carefully before applying for the aforesaid posts.
2.NTS will charge Rs.500/- per application from the candidates as Test Processing Fee for the whole process. Fee can be submitted through prescribed Fee Slip if any Online Branch of HBL, ABL, MCB and Meezan Bank.
3.Form should be filled in carefully by the candidates as the provided information will be considered as final for further processing.
4.Not fulfilling any of the statements written in the application form, any deficient or mis-information will automatically exclude the candidate from the whole process.
5.Fee deposited (NT S Slip) and attested photocopies of all academic and experience certificates should be attached with the application form at the time of submission.
6.NTS Test will serve for short listing/screening purpose only. Post test process will be performed by the Food Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa itself in accordance with the prescribed procedure given in the ESTA-Code.
7.Afier their appointment, the selected candidates could be posted any where in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
8.Age relaxation will be given as per age relaxation policy issued by the Provincial Government KhyberPakhttmkhwa.
9.The competent authority reserves the right to change any condition, increase / decrease the number of vacancies or cancel the recruitment process by assigning valid reasons.
10.Only short listed candidates shall be called for interview.
11.No TA / DA shall be paid for test/interview.
12.The in service candidates of Government / Semi Government Departments / Organizations are required to apply through proper channel.
13.The candidates shall have to apply for the post(s) within 15 days of the requisite publication.For further information, stay connected with NTS Website or contact NTS Call Centre

Food Directorate KPK Peshawar Jobs for Junior Clerk Foodgrain Cane Inspector Latest Advertisement

Food Directorate KPK Peshawar Jobs for Junior Clerk Foodgrain Cane Inspector Latest Advertisement

Applications are invited from suitable candidates holding Pakistani Citizenship and having domicile of the relevant Zones for the vacant posts of Junior Clerks (BS-l 1), Foodgrain Supervisors (BPS-07) and Cane Inspector (BS-O7) in Food Directorate Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as per detail given below:-
No. & scale in each zone limit.
JuniorClerk Zone-l 04 Matriculation or equivalent 18-30
(88-1 1) Zone-III 04 qualification from a recognized
Zone-TV 03 Board with typing speed of 30 words
Zone-V O3 . r minute.
Foodgrain 05 Zone-1 01 Matriculation or equivalent 18-30
l I I
BS-07 Zone-V 02 Board
Cane Inspector 05 Zone-1 01 Intermediate from recognized 18-30
(BS-O7) Zone- H 01 Board
Zone-Ill 01
Zone-IV 01
Zone-V Ol
Last Date 10 November 2017
1.Application forms and other details are available at NTS Website,, which must be read carefully before applying for the aforesaid posts.
2.NTS will charge Rs.500/- per application from the candidates as Test Processing Fee for the whole process. Fee can be submitted through prescribed Fee Slip if any Online Branch of HBL, ABL, MCB and Meezan Bank.
3.Form should be filled in carefully by the candidates as the provided information will be considered as final for further processing.
4.Not fulfilling any of the statements written in the application form, any deficient or mis-information will automatically exclude the candidate from the whole process.
5.Fee deposited (NT S Slip) and attested photocopies of all academic and experience certificates should be attached with the application form at the time of submission.
6.NTS Test will serve for short listing/screening purpose only. Post test process will be performed by the Food Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa itself in accordance with the prescribed procedure given in the ESTA-Code.
7.Afier their appointment, the selected candidates could be posted any where in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
8.Age relaxation will be given as per age relaxation policy issued by the Provincial Government KhyberPakhttmkhwa.
9.The competent authority reserves the right to change any condition, increase / decrease the number of vacancies or cancel the recruitment process by assigning valid reasons.
10.Only short listed candidates shall be called for interview.
11.No TA / DA shall be paid for test/interview.
12.The in service candidates of Government / Semi Government Departments / Organizations are required to apply through proper channel.
13.The candidates shall have to apply for the post(s) within 15 days of the requisite publication.For further information, stay connected with NTS Website or contact NTS Call Centre

Food Directorate KPK Peshawar Jobs for Junior Clerk Foodgrain Cane Inspector Latest Advertisement Food Directorate KPK Peshawar Jobs for Junior Clerk Foodgrain Cane Inspector Latest Advertisement Reviewed by Admin on October 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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